Cultivating a language and social justice praxis: Reflection, dialogue, and action for social change

Online lecture by Dr. Netta Avineri (Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey)

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM EST
Online Location, Advance registration required (see event description for link)

How are language and social justice connected? How can educators incorporate language and social justice issues into their classrooms and contexts? In this session, we will focus on cultivating a language and social justice praxis, collectively envisioning our classrooms and campuses as spaces for reflection, dialogue, and action for social change. Participants will engage with key approaches, frameworks, and concepts relevant to language and social justice, and apply these through critical reflections and hands-on activities. They will also explore case studies and scenarios focused on language and social justice education. The educators in this workshop will have multiple opportunities to explore how to apply these language and social justice approaches to their own classrooms and contexts, demonstrating how moving towards social justice is an individual, interpersonal, and collective effort among us all.

Advance registration is required.

Sponsored by The Department of Modern and Classical Languages.

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