Graduate Certificate in Spanish Heritage Language Education

An innovative online program emphasizing social justice and critical approaches to teaching Spanish

Carolina Santiago

Carolina Santiago
Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Ms. Carolina Santiago obtained her BA in Comparative Literature at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, where she was President of the ALC (Comparative Literature Association), and published in Sábanas Literary Magazine. After moving to Virginia, Carolina worked as an English Teacher for 2nd-grade students, and later as a Technical Editor contracting at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Carolina is currently employed as a Bilingual Editor at Teaching Strategies.
Building on her multilingualism and her experience in comparative approaches, as well as her interest in language education, Carolina joined the Department of Modern and Classical Languages in order to pursue an MA in Foreign Languages with a dual concentration in Spanish and French, as well as the graduate certificate in Spanish Heritage Language Education.